Donations To DiversityDHS
Flexible Donation
Use this button to submit your donation for any amount. Whether you donate $1 or $1000, every bit helps and is it fully appreciated. Your contribution supports DiversityDHS and it’s mission to provide community support, networking, social events and much needed critical funding to reliably enable these activities.
A yearly membership entitles you to many benefits while also helping support DiversityDHS though direct funding support and a personal show of confidence through group participation.
- Official Annual Membership
- Listing in membership directory
- Receive insider email announcements
- 25% off DiversityDHS event admission fee.
- Electronic copy of DDHS Newletter.
- $20 dollar donation also receives collectable DiversityDHS button.
- $30 dollar donation also receives DiversityDHS ‘T’ shirt in addition to collectable button.